July 19, 2009

How To Manage Photos Uploaded to Blogger

As a Google Blogger you may already uploaded hundreds of photos to your blogs. Did you ever imagine that you can see all of those pictures you have uploaded in one place ? or may be to delete some of the photos that you are not using anymore on your blog ? Picasa web albums from Google will hold all those pictures for you. You can manage all your uploaded photos from there.

You can sign in to it using your Google Account. Once you get in you can see all of your photos uploaded to your blogger blogs. Photos uploaded to your blogs are contained in different folders according to the number of blogs you have. The folder name will be your blog name. If you delete an image from the Blogger album here, the image will be removed from your Blogger blog as well, so please delete images with care!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks about your info that the deletion of photos in Picasa removes that in blog also.
